
Affichage des articles associés au libellé Criminalité

Interview de Heather MacDonald

Watch the latest news video at <a href=""></a> HEATHER MACDONALD, SENIOR FELLOW, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE & CONTRIBUTORING EDITOR, THE CITY JOURNAL: Thank you, Paul. Glad to be here. GIGOT: So some good news, crime rates have begun to fall. What kind of magnitudes are we talking about? MACDONALD: Extraordinary magnitudes. In the first six months of 2009, homicides dropped 10 percent nationally. GIGOT: Wow. MACDONALD: Property crime, which is what you would really expect to go up if the root cause of crime theory is true, a response in inequality and property, property crime went down over 6 percent. And violent crimes went down almost 5 percent. GIGOT: So we're back at levels not seen since the 1960s, and that's extraordinary. MACDONALD: It is extraordinary. And I credit the spread, ultimately, of efficient policing and incarceration, but this is the exact opposite of what criminologis